3 Frogs on A Log, An Aha Moment for Me!

3 Frogs were sitting on a log one day talking. Two of them made a decision to jump in the pond. How many were left on the log?

The answer is three. They made a decision to jump they didn’t actually jump! We regularly celebrate at church when someone makes a decision to accept Jesus as their Savior.

2,000 people were seated in a church service listening to the message. Five of them made a decision to receive Jesus as their Savior. How many people’s lives were changed?

Zero, they made a decision but other than theoretically nothing has happened yet! Maybe we are asking the wrong question. Jesus said, Follow me and you will become fishers of men. The Bible says, put off the old man, have your mind renewed and put on the new man.

For the last forty years, I’ve been part of churches that have no plan for us once we make the decision to receive Jesus. For nearly 20 of them I was the pastor!  No wonder so many “Christians,” are still sitting on the log.

I asked a group of church men last night what plan of action they were given in whatever church they were part of when they made their decision. The plan was, read your Bible, go to church, give, serve get in a small group or join the church. I asked how many of you have ever been discipled by another Christian and only two hands went up. Most all of us were told what we should do as a Christian but few of us have had someone show us.

The single largest group in most all churches is the group of frogs sitting on the log who made a decision. They are waiting on someone to take them by the hand and show them what comes next.

Sorry but little deep life transformation, healings of soul and mind, or a path to real life freedom happens from attending, serving or giving until internal renewing takes place. It becomes busyness around a void.

Why not as ministries, when someone makes a decision to receive Jesus, walk them through the twelve steps over the next year. There they will be led to surrender, clean house, right wrongs, learn to do all that daily once the big cleaning is done, learn how to have conscious contact with God and to carry the message to others who still need to hear.

We would have way more frogs swimming in the pond than sitting on the log.



About Scott Ranck

Enjoying life with my wife Gayle and our Yorkie, Zoe boy. I've come to believe life begins when through brokenness I can embrace it fully and openly. I've learned the human drama is an adventure and all of us are made of the same stuff. The Lord is the only being who knows me fully and he has an individual educational plan of life long learning for me and I'm enrolled. This blog is all about what I'm learning.
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4 Responses to 3 Frogs on A Log, An Aha Moment for Me!

  1. Donna Marie Riffle says:


    You are so right! Even the ones i have ministered in as a childrens director did nit want to be guided after the “decision”. I tried and got darn near run out of a church. I was called into a board meeting in which they said that I was forcing the issue on children to commit their lives and follow Christ. This is all because one family had a father who did attend church but he had not made a profession and he was not walking in the way with the Lord however, the mother was and was in attendance at church and when I gave a talk to the children about what confession and forgiveness means in cooperation with the elements of communion this family was distraught because not teaching I told the children that should not take the elements unless they have forgiven and they have excepted Christ. I was no longer allowed to talk about communion and the elements and forgiveness and when I gave a talk to the children about what confession and forgiveness means in cooperation with the elements of communion this family was distraught because Annette teaching I told the children that should not take the elements unless they have forgiven and they have excepted Christ. I was no longer allowed to talk about communion and the elements and forgiveness.

    I know I’ve come to know as I truly walk with God, that the decision is morally and out word spoken event that is more for the receiver them to give her. You can profess all day long what you think you want to believe but it isn’t until you start really walking the walk Instead of just talking the talk that makes your life transformation.

    Thank you for still communicating God’s word through your blogs and other various ways in which you do it. You may not have a church pastor but God is still lead you to pester people and I am grateful for your pastoring and your wisdom and for you being transparent and all of life’s struggles because we all have them.
    Please give my love to Gail and got bless you guys

    • Donna Marie Riffle says:

      Oh my! Voice to text realy whipped my butt this am! I I apologize for all the mistakes and hope you can understand what I was saying. I could not find a way to edit this post

  2. segale2001 says:

    Well said.
    It should be interesting and joyous to see real lives grow with a plan. I have been asked countless times, “What do I do now?”…. Here’s you mentor should be a type fo footprints in the sand to help guide all folks who jump of secular logs…..

  3. segale2001 says:

    Reblogged this on Nothing But Net and commented:
    Had to share some great points from Monday night.

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